28. Fashioning the Women of Weeksville: Interview with Noel Corbin, Natalya Mills and Kristine McPartlin

This week features the curators and conservator behind the exhibition: Fashioning the Women of Weeksville, currently at The Weeksville Heritage Center in Brooklyn, New York. The show is a rare opportunity to see the material culture of the African American women who lived in Weeksville in the nineteenth and twentieth-century.

In the first half of the episode, Joy and Jasmine talk to the curators Noel Corbin and Natalya Mills.

In the second half of the episode Dana and Jasmine talk to Kristine McPartlin, who is responsible for conserving and dressing the wedding dress featured in the exhibition.

On September 16, 2016, Fashioning the Self in Slavery and Freedom is hosting the conference Community Curating: Stitching Together a History of a People at The Weeksville Heritage Center. For more information visit @fashioningtheself on Facebook.

Noel Corbin instagram: @noelbynoelb

Natalya Mills instagram: @from_natalya_with_love

Kristine McPartlin instagram: @karamel_thunder

Visit Weeksville: http://www.weeksvillesociety.org/

Visit Fashioning the Women of Weeksville: http://www.weeksvillesociety.org/current-exhibition/

Image credit: The Weeksville Lady, tintype, c.1880. Weeksville Heritage Center. Find out how The Weeksville Lady was discovered here. 


Dana Goodin